How do I get a mailbox or set up mailing?
If you have recently requested a new address you should have received an address notification document, you can use this document to set up mailing by taking it to the appropriate post office. Otherwise, contact the Burleson County Addressing office for a verification of the physical address you would like to set up as a mailing address. The post office will require this verification in most cases. Once this verification is issued you may present it to the post office to set up mailing to that address. For questions regarding the location of your mailbox please contact the post office.
Mailboxes on state highways :
Why doesn’t my 911 address come up on Google Maps, Apples Maps, delivery services, or other services correctly?
The PRIMARY function of Burleson County 911 Addressing is to assign a physical 911 address that will help LAW, EMS, and FIRE services locate you during an emergency.
All assigned addresses are sent to the Regional 911 Program staff at BVCOG for validation and error checks weekly. The validated data is then sent by the BVCOG 911 program staff to the PSAP (911 dispatch center). The map data that is used to assign your address through the Burleson County 911 Addressing office is what is sent to the 911 dispatch center.
Burleson County 911 addressing data is not shared or connected to Google Maps, Apple Maps, or other GPS technology. These companies typically purchase address data from the postal service or other services a few times a year. If the company purchases data that includes your new address then any issues with your address displaying on these services may be rectified.
What can I do to try to get your 911 address placement correct on Google, Apple Maps, FedEx, etc.?
You might choose to look your address up on whichever service you prefer to use. Many of them have a way to use their interactive tools on their website to enter your corrected address and/or location. They do not confirm this with our office directly, nor are they required to share this correction with any other company.
Another option is to visit government website will walk you through the process in plain simple language to make corrections with commercial map providers like TomTom, Garmin, or Google, as well as Android phones.
Why did my address change?
The Burleson County Addressing Coordinator may require the owner or occupant of a property to change an address for one of, but not limited to, the following reasons:
- Out of sequence with respect to your neighbors. Addresses need to progress in sequence along the road.
- Odd number address on even side of the road or even number address on the odd side of the road.
- Your house is on a private drive with 3 or more other structures accessed off that same private drive.
- The road name/number designation has been changed.
- Your address had to change as the result of other address changes.
- The location of your driveway changed.